2 definitions by YetiAteMySpagetti

the act of being clumsy or being so stupid that you're actually super smart


-constantly losing your balance or tripping on nothing

-studying or working on a project all night
-or you might find yourself saying...
"die in a hole"
"you heaux"
"tHoT detected"
"you whore"
"what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

if you are experiencing any of these symptoms please immediately go see your doctor immediately
Person 1: Why are you always tripping and walking into me?
Person 2: I suffer from Arfaism
Person 1: Omg im so sorry I had no idea
by YetiAteMySpagetti October 21, 2018
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is a god and a grandma

I love her
big nerd
loves to read
big uwu
Person 1: Is that Allison?
Person 2: Omg yeah that's the super cool girl who actually loves pocky, is wholesome, and loves harry freekin potter
Person 1: omg marry me Allison
Allison: I will never im in 9999 other relationships
Boyfriend 1: Hey dude lets fight for Allison's love
Boyfriend 2: YESSSS
Boyfriend 100: We are no match for Sam
by YetiAteMySpagetti October 21, 2018
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