3 definitions by Yeahboycowboy

A bad ass that didn't back down from a fight and will steal your girl
Damn that guys probably a Jaymis
by Yeahboycowboy December 17, 2016
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Where a city boy dresses up as a cowboy for the 10 days of Cheyenne Frontier Days, but after it's all over they relentlessly bully all the real cowboys.
Hey there's a 10 day cowboy over there
by Yeahboycowboy July 25, 2019
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To ride a bull, spur him
Hard, score a 90, then say "you ain't no cowboy" as you walk off the beaches of Winnebago.
Man 1: did you see that 90 point ride?
Man 2: he pulled a Dale brisby
by Yeahboycowboy August 2, 2019
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