2 definitions by Yatotobo

An all round amazing dad, son, brother, in general family member and friend. He has a great sense of humour, is often selfless-caring for others before himself, and will always have your back in everything you do even if he has things to sort out or do, smart, fun, caring, kind, stands for what he believes, is incredibly hard working- once he has an objective he will complete it, and would move heaven and earth to do something for someone he cares about amd an all round amazing guy and it is a privilege to know him. He stands for what he believes and what he thinks is right and would not let anyone force an opinion on him.
Person: I am so lucky to know a Kapllan
by Yatotobo April 15, 2023
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An all round amazing person. She is Beautiful, kind, generous, caring, smart, popular, great fun, good to be around, hardworking, stands for what she believes, brave, stubborn and if you have ever had the blessing of crossing paths with a Majlona then don’t waste it. She will sometimes talk forever, going on and on about a subject she likes. Don’t mess with a Majlona as you will regret it. when she’s angry it’s scary(scary is understatement of the year.) She is gorgeous with what she calls a gorgeous family. All the girls want to be like her which is not surprising at all.Everyone is proud to even be in acquaintance of such a lovely lady especially when she’s super rich and famous.
Person 1:i know a girl named Majlona. Person 2: if she’s anyone like the Majlona I know then lucky you
by Yatotobo April 15, 2023
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