1 definition by XelaEsolc

The process of utterly obliterating an opponent's entire (usually religious or political) argument, usually in one or more succinct or terse statements, orally or in writing; employed almost exclusively by Christopher Hitchens.

Examples can be found in nearly every Hitchens debate, occasionally in articles, and in the form of entire books, about subjects or people.
Christopher Hitchen's book God Is Not Great was effectively one long Hitchslap to organized religion.

About twenty minutes into the debate Dinesh d'Souza got Hitchslapped and never really recovered from it.

Hitchens was a guest in a Fox News segment the other day. He Hitchslapped just about everyone on there.

It was funny the other day when Sean Hannity invited Hitchens on the show and tried to be a smartass, but was abruptly Hitchslapped for his trouble.

Christopher Hitchen's book God Is Not Great was effectively one long Hitchslap to organized religion.
by XelaEsolc November 28, 2010
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