4 definitions by Wyatt Edwards

A movement started by a man, Martin Luther, who thought he knew better than 1500 years of theologians and Church teaching.
Person #1: Who was the antisemitic, sexist guy who broke away from the Catholic Church, starting the Protestant Reformation, and thus single-handedly destroyed Christian unity?

Person #2: Martin Luther.

Person #1: Oh.
by Wyatt Edwards February 20, 2009
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One who smells like medical bills and shame.
Bill: What's that smell?

Tom: Smells like handicap people.

Bill: Really, how can you tell?

Tom: The smell of medical bills and shame pretty much gives it away.

Bill: LOL!
by Wyatt Edwards February 19, 2009
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Person 1: If two times is said as "twice" and three times is "thrice," then what is four times?

Person 2: What?

Person 1: Quadrice.

Person 2: Oh.
by Wyatt Edwards May 26, 2010
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Johnny: What is that apparatus with which you are sporking feces at the bus boy?

Billy: That's my chack-twackler.

Johnny: What's a chack-twackler?

Billy: A penis.

Johnny: Oh.
by Wyatt Edwards September 12, 2009
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