3 definitions by WoshiMoshi

An unorthodox name picked by someone who has no end in mind. This person does not see the difficulties that will arise in trying to address them by using this name.
A: Hey Sean, have you seen Friend?
B: You're my Friend.
A: No.. I mean Friend Koay
by WoshiMoshi October 2, 2015
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Degs or perhaps "DeEEeeGGGssssss" is an internet sensation in Slam Dunk Reddit and Slam Dunk Reddit Discord.

He's the epitome of existence and the Savior for SlamDunk Mobile Global Gamers.

Degs is often referred as "The cult of personality", "The Supreme Leader" and "The most electrifying man in the history of Slam Dunk Mobile Global". His followers worshipped him as their god and have since introduced many new vocab in their daily life. Words starting with dis are naturally replaced to Degs.
You are Degsappointing!!!
You have Degshonoured your family!!!
Not everyone can Degstinguish between good and Evil
by WoshiMoshi March 24, 2021
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Degs or perhaps “DeeEEEgggggsssss” is the saviour of SlamDunk Mobile Global. He is the cult of personality, the leader of mankind and the most electrifying man in the history of Slam Dunk Mobile.

The internet sensation has taken over Slam Dunk Reddit corner and is worshipped by many. Degs is more than a meme, it’s a meaning of life and a symbol of existence.

It has replaced a whole lot of vocab starting with dis.
You are Degsappointing
I am Degsappointed in you

Do not. Degshonour our family
by WoshiMoshi March 24, 2021
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