3 definitions by Weiled El Jieradet

a decently tasting smoking pot that is supposedly behind most of the world's genocides however argela uses shisha as a scapegoat
This is the shisha mussolini smoked before becoming hitler's pansy
by Weiled El Jieradet May 6, 2005
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basically what urban pervert says except he only had 12 inch cock and he died immediately after it was cut off..the rest is crap..i aint know much about this nigga other then all his "magical F*cking powers" came from him smoking argela which i am doing as we speak
Raputin was a Russian nigga who hit weed and argela everyday after f*cking the czar's wife
by Weiled El Jieradet May 6, 2005
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A beautifully tasting smoking pot, great experience, also is behind most of the world's genocides and using shisha as his scapegoat
That is the argela Hitler smoked before writing Mein Kampf
by Weiled El Jieradet May 5, 2005
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