29 definitions by Webster Papadopolous


n. contraction of "white nigger" or "wanna-be nigger"

a "white nigger" is a white person who grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood, and as a result acts, speaks and dresses like he or she is black. If you call someone a wigger meaning "white nigger" you are insulting their culture, and social background.

a "wanna-be nigger" is a white person who wants to be cool, and as a result acts, speaks and dresses like he or she is black. If you call someone a wigger meaning "wanna-be nigger", you are calling them a poser, and a sell out to their race.
Eminem is such a wigger!
by Webster Papadopolous July 11, 2004
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cousin Herb

n. marijuana

code playing off of the similar spelling of the name Herb and the word herb (which is a common slang name for marijuana)
I was talking to my cousin Herb last night, and we had a very interesting conversation.
by Webster Papadopolous July 12, 2004
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n. A person from the southern United States. Short for rebel, referring to the American Civil War. The opposite of a Yankee.
... and now class we shall study the Civil War.
The War of Northern Aggression! (from the back of the classroom)
okay reb
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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n.,pl., boots that are similar to ones that a person would wear if they were working and at risk of stepping in manure, but are fancy or new and are worn for fashion
All right Ellie-Mae I'll go line dancing with you, just hold on while I put on my shitkickers!
by Webster Papadopolous July 12, 2004
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the Pope's dick

n., something that is normally useful, but under the current circumstances is worthless.
Derived from the fact that the Pope is not allowed to have sex.
*talking on the phone*
Its hot as hell in here and I just got a new air conditioner, but I can't plug it in because I don't have a three-pronged adapter, so its sitting in the window like the Pope's dick. Quit giggling you fucking fish before I flush you down the toilet!
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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n. an unofficial recording of a concert

This term originated with smugglers and thieves who would hide things in the leg of their boots. It evolved to mean a pirated version of something. Some liberal bands such as the Grateful Dead, and more recently Phish and Pearl Jam allow fans to record their concerts, and distibute these recordings freely as long as they are not sold. Fans refer to such recordings as "bootlegs", even though they are legal.
Hey man, I got this funky Phish bootleg from Roseland, hook me up with that Europe '72 Dead show and I'll burn you a copy.
by Webster Papadopolous July 11, 2004
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hair band

n., adj., A rock band from the eighties whose members had long hair, which they teased up with hair-spray to make themselves out to be rebels and distinctive. The music tried to be hard and badass, but was harmless. This is sometimes used as a disparaging description, much like boy band is used today.
Some people classify Motley Crue as Metal, well no offense, but they are really just a Hair Band.
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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