2 definitions by WOW that’s a lot of dislikes

A group of people who don’t like furries. But wait there’s more (who would’ve guessed it…. Not me)
There isn’t a single anti furry place for all anti furrys to be at, there are factions like the AFA (anti furry association) or the AFC (anti furry corp) these have a well thought out ranking system and basically they’re their own little place for curtain things.
There are different types of anti furries too, like the propaganda creators, the meme creators, the spy’s, the leaders and soldiers (just to name a few)

things people misunderstand with anti-furrys

That they are all children, no there is a wide variety of ages in the anti furry community

They are racists, you will find racists in all fandoms, we don’t like them but theres sometimes a few.

They do no research and “ArE vErY sTuPiD aNd I hAtE tHeM”
From what I’ve seen, there is research being done, if it’s from them doing legitimate polls or even going as far as to ask furrys straight up questions,

They are closeted furrys
Bob “hey, are you an anti furry
Jim “yes I am an anti furry, what do you think about anti furries?”

Bob: “they’re alright”

Jim: “hey bob”

Bob: “what”

Jim: “ deez n
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