3 definitions by Vitriolic X

Derived from "On the bricktop"~ Prison slang for back on the street, or more accurately in this case, the sidewalk.
This has been a long bid. I can't wait until I EOS, and get back on the brick.
by Vitriolic X January 7, 2011
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End of Sentence, maximum length a person can be held in prison
When is your EOS date. I EOS in 30 days.
by Vitriolic X January 7, 2011
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If you are more than 500 miles away from home, you can have sex with any nasty pig that is willing, because none of your friends will ever find out.
My shame and guilt were alleviated by my faith in the validity of the 500 mile rule"
by Vitriolic X August 11, 2011
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