2 definitions by Vallard

Wearing your "love goggles" is a mental state a person enters when they are so deeply and hopelessly in love that they are convinced thier partner is nearly perfect. They may comment on how wonderful thier partner's body is, or how handsome or pretty they are, when in reality, they aren't. It's similar to wearing "beer goggles", where all women look beautiful after you've had a few, but without the alcohol; "love goggles" is a similar effect that is based on emotion.
"Hey baby, you have such a hot body, you're built like a weightlifter".

reply: "Thank you, but no I'm not. You need remove your "love goggles" and return to reality.
by Vallard January 29, 2010
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A picture of a nipple sent via text message. Usually a close up.
"I'm having a slow day honey, how about sending a nippic?"
by Vallard January 29, 2010
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