5 definitions by Upgrades, people, upgrades

Someone who glues a toilet plunger to their face and runs around outside yelling "BLARGLE BLARGLE BLARGE"
Joe: "so, how are the kids?"
Yuri: "mostly good, but sadly Ligma is now a Blargleer"
by Upgrades, people, upgrades February 21, 2020
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what you get when you shove beef into ravioli
guy: "hey what do you want for dinner" italy bruh: "beefioli"
by Upgrades, people, upgrades January 24, 2020
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idiot: "I like Kuh"
god: "You are clearly an idiot, Yat is better"
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an emu that is also emo
australian: it's an emu! and not just any emu! an emo emu! an Emuo!
by Upgrades, people, upgrades January 24, 2020
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