2 definitions by UHoh...

something you usually dont want to hear somebody else say!!!
The hairdresser whispered "uh-oh..." after she cut a chunk of hair off the poor little girl.

Lindsay's boyfriend pulled out and gently said "uh-oh..." as he showed her the broken condom.
by UHoh... August 11, 2005
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The Art of being bored , it can be easily be cured by interaction with other people, sleeping it off, shiney things, doing things u wud kill urself for if your friends found out(ex. playing dress-up) or anything else tht will keep your mind off the fact that u have nothing to do
Guy 1: "Heyyy man! i saw a picture of u and ur sister having a teaparty! Your mom just showed me!! U SUCK"

Guy2: "Awwww! i was suffering severe bordism....and she said there was no film in that camera!!"
by UHoh... August 17, 2005
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