4 definitions by TwixIsScreaming

Other than the fact Toe likes to drink piss, they are a good person. They love to punch nazis and help their friends. An absolutely lovely person.
Toe stop telling Leggy they're short, they're super tall.
by TwixIsScreaming March 15, 2021
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One of the abso-fuckin-lutely best people you'll meet. Although a little sleep deprived. If you ever have the pleasure of meeting a Dani, make sure to give them a monster and a hug because they need it.
Dani you need to come online more, we miss you
by TwixIsScreaming March 15, 2021
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Tallest person to ever live. Also incredibly nice. Wouldn't give a second thought to hugging you. Treat them with respect and love. Give them lots of sour candies.
Make sure you carry a bag of candy with you to give to Leggy.
by TwixIsScreaming March 15, 2021
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An amazing person. Absolutely stunning. One of the smartest people ever. Show them a mushroom and they'll more than likely be able to identify it. Loves climbing. Can and will kick your ass. Don't piss them off. They can hide your body and get away with it.
Mmshroom is one of a kind, just a great person overall
by TwixIsScreaming March 15, 2021
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