2 definitions by Truth_out

A conservative that feels victimized when something doesn't go their way. Often comes with the feeling that anything that doesn't reflect their world view has some unfair bias against them.
Only a Butthurt Conservative would use a website like urban dictionary to slander people they don't agree with
by Truth_out July 23, 2009
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A Paranoid Conservative who unlike mainstream conservatives buys into one or all of the conspiracy theory's that pop up on the Extreme Right and far-right
Conspiracy theories that somehow make their way into the edges of the mainstream.


The War on Christmas
Bither Conspiracy (Obama is not a legal citizen conspiracy)
New World Order Conspiracy
Fema Concentration Camp Conspiracy
Clinton Body Count Conspiracy
Jewish 9/11 Conspiracy
Global Warming is a Fraud Conspiracy
Don't listen to the guy spewing stories about a New World Order, He's just a Tin Foil Conservative
by Truth_out September 2, 2009
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