2 definitions by TrueNarnian

n. A disease whose fully reproductive rate (R) is less than 1; a disease with an average probability of infecting less than one susceptible new host; a disease that is on the decline.
(not to be confused with hypodermic)
When R is greater than 1, the infection is growing exponentially, and it's at that point that it's known as an epidemic. When it holds steady around 1, that's when a disease is called endemic. And less than one means that it's on the decline. Hypodemic?

- 3Blue1Brown
by TrueNarnian March 28, 2020
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n. The flap of skin on the hand between the thumb and index finger. (Also called the cagina)
Trying to do parkour, I jumped down to a bar and hung from it. I caught the bar, but I landed too hard and bruised my webby cranny.
by TrueNarnian October 22, 2020
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