39 definitions by Trent Kuver

When you type very fast and a lot. One who types long e-mails and messages has this condition. One who types your eyes off suffers from this.
I had Diarrhea of the fingers last night, I must have typed a Novella!
by Trent Kuver May 7, 2008
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A chalupa made from a goat (cabra is Spanish for goat.). A goat chalupa.
Jose tried to give me a chalupacabra the other day.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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1. Tasting good in a frenzy
2. Being malicious in a frenzy
3. A frenzy of any kind that was over the top, to the extreme.
Did you see me with those girls on the beach the other day? It was frenzilicious!!!
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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Absolutely positivly having to have celery. When, for some unknown reason, you have to have celery.
I made a salad the other day, and it just wasn't right. The situation was nececelery.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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A section or sequence in a film, music video or any part of life that causes confusion. Usually a poorly thought out sequence that breaks from continuity or has bad camera angles and tracking. A chain of events that makes one confused.
That movie lost me, in the middle of the film was a huge confusequence that screwed it all up.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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Advertisements that are stupid as fuck. One of those commercials or magazine ads that makes you groan and say, WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING OR TRYING TO PORTRAY WITH THIS BULLSHIT!! A completely retarded advertisement. A form of badvertising
Did you see that badvertisement during the half time show? Yah, it was stupid as fuck!
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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A screwdriver or power drill. Something that removes screws.
To have been screwed and something happens to make that not so - Unscrewulated.
That thing was in there tight, good thing I had my unscrewulator!!
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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