2 definitions by Treasur-Ess

The saying "He is as cunning as a Shithouse Rat" is used to refer to someone who is expertly sly and/or sneaky. A shithouse rat being of a lower class than even a regular lowly rat, makes this form of cunning even more underhanded.

This term does not refer to anyone's "mental state".
Don't take your eye off him for a second! He's as cunning as a Shithouse Rat.
by Treasur-Ess February 19, 2016
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Noun - used to refer to someone who is more 'special' than others.
A contraction of the words Special and Ed (as in education)
Geez, if you keep carrying on like a total Sped, it will get even harder to admit we're related.

If you keep saying intelligent things, we'll have to rethink your Sped status.
by Treasur-Ess February 19, 2016
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