3 definitions by TotalFiction

A mythical creature, originating in the mountains of Peru. And associated with the Incan 13 crystal skulls.

Long thought to be the key to unlocking the power of the skulls. They had to be sacrificed and have a specific gland removed to perform the ritual. Because of this they were thought to have been extinct.

But coincidently they have been spotted recently and even photographed.

The crystal skulls long thought to be of Myan origin have recently been proven to indeed be of Incan origin. Is this a coincidence or a sign of the coming apocolypse?
The Skelebecula, ran into its burrow. To avoid being sacrificed to the Incan gods.
by TotalFiction January 21, 2011
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The headache immediately following a day of thinking through distractions. And arguing with invisible friends. Unsuccessfully...
I just left work and I think I was Brain Raped
by TotalFiction January 10, 2020
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The act of being a financial draw on someone. See Mooch.
Yeah can you believe that they actually go a New console just because they made them feel inadequate. That is the most blatant example of moochism I have ever seen in my life.
by TotalFiction October 16, 2018
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