3 definitions by Toronto girl dora

The name Genaya means Angelic Butterfly. She is beautiful, strong, smart, and independent she will always be there for you and never turn your back on you. Because that’s just the type of girl she is, she is a good friend to keep and have around you.
“Is that Genaya?”

Yeah I heard that people like her are so selfless!”
by Toronto girl dora March 20, 2021
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A Genaya is a girl who is independent, and very optimistic. She won’t surround herself with a lot of people so the people who get to be around her are very lucky. She’s gorgeous and people stare when she walks by. She will defend herself in any situation wether it’s physically or verbally. She’s loyal whether it’s her friends or her partner, if you ever needed help she’d drop everything at that moment to help you. If you come by a Genaya don’t lose her because people like her are rare.
“Genaya literally ran out of class when she heard her friend was in a fight”

“I need a friend like her fr

by Toronto girl dora December 9, 2021
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Tarnoor is a beautiful, intelligent girl, she’s very fiesty and won’t regret go through hands with you. She’s independent and cares for her friends and family, she has your back when you need it, and definitely will show up for a fight. If you meet a Tarnoor don’t let her go people like her are very exotic to come by.
“Damn is that Tarnoor?”

“Yeah I heard she slapped a girl for bullying her


by Toronto girl dora December 9, 2021
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