3 definitions by Tom the Enchanter

As many other definitions state, this is a corruption of the term owned. However, this term has several advantages over owned, the main one being it has no conotations with the rather touchy subject of slavery. People will also think you cool for using 1337 hacking lingo now used mainly by preteen video game players, including my brother.
Fag: Yeah i owned you!!
Large Angry Black Man: You shouldda used pwned sucka!!
*Fag squeals in pain and terror
by Tom the Enchanter August 21, 2005
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we all know where one of these goes, so to call someone a tampon is to call them a stuck up cunt
by Tom the Enchanter May 5, 2005
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to rub your knuckles up and down someone's ribcage, usually accompanied by a shout of "TIGER PAW". very painful, and can be used to great effect in a rugby scrum
when the scrum broke up 3 of the other players were rolling around holding their ribs, victims of the dreaded TIGER PAW
by Tom the Enchanter May 9, 2005
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