2 definitions by Tmape

Something hipsters will (probablistically) say.
Means probably.
If you're a hipster you'll probablistically end up on latfh.com, or name your cat/bike/child Helvetica.
by Tmape March 18, 2010
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When you see potentially creepy and worrisome reasons for someone's words or actions. There are likely plenty of normal explanations, but the creepiness is stuck in your head and you might start to believe it.

You are more likely to doublethink if you are sad, depressed, or recently have experienced something highly disturbing.

Could be caused by a loss of trust in the honesty and innocence of the world, or maybe you're on drugs.
When your boyfriend/girlfriend says "I'll wait for you forever," is it sweet, or creepy?

Michael: "The way Andrew whispers to himself sometimes makes me think he's psycho."
Emma: "Stop double-thinking, he's just trying to remember what the homework was or has a song stuck in his head."

Krystal: "When I found out my boyfriend was a pedophile, I started to doublethink everything my friends and relatives say and do. Maybe they're secretly creepers too."
Jose: "Holy shit. You need help."
by Tmape August 12, 2010
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