5 definitions by Tingles

an acronym for B-breath O-of a T-thousand A-assholes

means you really need some gum....or surgery...
whoa man back the fuck up...you have bota here's a tic tac
by Tingles April 24, 2005
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This is me conforming, bawls is awesome!
never thought you'd want blue bawls did ya?
by Tingles February 3, 2005
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tastes nasty, like flat cream soda...*barfs all over you and your bawls*
bawls should be banned gimme my monster
by Tingles December 12, 2004
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Jizing around someone's face in a near perfect circle, followed by a swift punch to the nose causing it to bleed. "Jam donut"
by Tingles March 16, 2016
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The feeling that developed between Ashley and Nick that fine day in August at the the train station...
'Nick, you are my true-love'
by Tingles December 12, 2004
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