54 definitions by Tingle Likes Rupees

A middle class or higher privileged white American person, usually in the age bracket of 40-99 currently, that fetishize the living fuck out of Native American culture. Common in the Midwest. Includes getting Native symbolic tattoos, going to Native Pride and Powows, collecting Native trinkets or things related to their culture, adopting a Native name or obsessing over one given to you, fantasizes about dating a Native like they're some sort of mystifying unicorn when they are just people like anyone else, blatantly ignores the fact Europeans killed thousands of them for no reason and they shouldn't be on reserves to begin with, adopts Native cultural things into their life like headdresses, Thunderbirds and other symbols with some to no knowledge of what anything means just because it's "cute".
My mom is obsessed with Natives but she hates black people, so she is a Naniboujouboo welcome to the United States of America.
by Tingle Likes Rupees June 9, 2017
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a demeaning word used towards:

1. women who are vulnerable and blames them for being easily taken advantage of.

2. women who are sex positive and know what they want during sex.
3. women a man assumes gets around even if she doesn't and has never slept with him.
4. a way girls bully eachother.
Josh assumed Polly was easy for her piercings and green hair even though she just plays Zelda all day.
by Tingle Likes Rupees February 13, 2020
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A famous yaoi manga artist who loves all her fans. Known for her gorgeous illustrations of beautiful men and exotic settings for her manga.
Yamane Ayano is the famed creator of the Finder series. A famous boys-love manga!
by Tingle Likes Rupees November 1, 2013
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Someone who identifies as a hipster.

Calling oneself a hipster completely goes against the purpose of being one. A wannabe hipster also probably does not know anything about the indie kid movement during the 2000s, which is what the 30+ year old hipsters of the 2010s became.

Also, a hipster wannabe follows out-dated hipster trends such as listening to Arctic Monkeys, Fleet Foxes, Kaspian, Halsey, Marina and the Diamonds and The Blockheads, riding a fixie, shopping at American Apparel and Urban Outfitters. As such things have become part of the mainstream now. Hipster "clothing" is mainstream and trendy now. You are not a hipster.

Being a hipster would be being scene because it's unpopular and dead.

Just Blame Tumblr. For Everything.
He called himself a hipster, which automatically made him not one, fucking hipster wannabe.
by Tingle Likes Rupees December 9, 2016
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