2 definitions by Thotho

Indian word for penis. The word was made famous by Depe of ottawagolf.com and mybindi.com whose use of the world caught on and started a global thotho phenomenon.. even in the golf world!
How big is your thotho?
Does your dad's thotho smell like your ass?
Did your uncle touch your thotho while you were sleeping?
If you bend over as much as you can, can you suck your own thotho?
My cousin sucked 7 black thothos
by Thotho June 6, 2006
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Any network that is more interested in protecting political administrations then actually reporting the real news. They will often decline to report any bad things these administrations do in order to make them look better they they actually are. The state run media consists of the news networks of ABC, CBS, CNN, & NBC and all of their affiliates.
Tom: Dude I just heard the story on the radio about how the President actually knew about the attacks on our embassy before it actually took place.

Bill: Really!...man, I have to stop watching the state run media, they won't report anything that makes Obama look bad!
by Thotho September 28, 2012
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