3 definitions by Thegirlnextdoortou

The cutest and nicest boy in the world! If Josh is your boyfriend, then you are luckier than words can express. He is extremely handsome, and has a smile that will leave you standing there dumbfounded. He is nice to everyone, including his enemy's (not that he has a lot of those). He is extremely loyal to his friends, as well as his family. He is perfect beyond words, and any girl would be lucky to be his. He tells his girlfriend how much he loves her and makes sure she gets all the attention that she wants. He is honestly the best boyfriend in the world. Everybody loves Josh.
Wow Josh is perfect in every way!
by Thegirlnextdoortou December 21, 2018
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The ship name for Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones. They are from Riverdale, and are so endgame! They are literally the best couple ever seen on TV! Also check Choni.
by Thegirlnextdoortou December 21, 2018
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Vera is honestly the most amazing person that you will ever meet. She doesn't know that she's beautiful, but she is. She is so incredibly humble and always helping other people. She is the best friend you will ever have, as well as the best girlfriend you'll ever have. she knows how to brighten a room with just her smile, and does it daily. There are no words to describe Vera.
by Thegirlnextdoortou December 21, 2018
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