1 definition by TheOnlyErik

The state of being trashed beyond anything you can imagine. You are in another world, where everything and every place has become a sandbox in which you wish to play. You will not remember names.. faces... or anything for that matter.; A blacked out state in which you do not plan to function in what society may consider normal, or even inebriated. You do as you please without conscience, morals, or anything coherent for that matter.
I am so pooted right now, please get a camera and watch me make love to this cactus; Dude is that your sister? I'm so pooted I'm going to pick her up from middle school tomorrow and she is going to have my kid in 9 months.; Robbie was so pooted last night he made out with your girlfriend, twice, and then those twins from puerto rico.
by TheOnlyErik October 12, 2007
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