1 definition by TheMeanGreenFightingMachine

One of the most powerful weapon and counter in the world of arguments. It can be used whenever you get insulted in any way and will end the opponent's career as a human being. When verbally used in an argument, it will successfully negate what the opponent said prior, as well as send the insult back to them ten fold. This apparatus of mass destruction was made to cancel out the earth-shattering "ur mom gay." When it was first used, the giant collision between "ur mom gay" and "no u" caused the first speaker to shrivel out of existence. Now, he resides in another dimension living as a snail. After this, no one dared misuse this.
Guy 1: ur mom gay lol
Guy 2: no u
Guy 1: *POP*
by TheMeanGreenFightingMachine April 10, 2018
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