3 definitions by TheDumbestMostUnfunnyPerson

The real new year’s excitement is from this thing being updated and having a new urban dictionary definition so that bored people can be distracted for the amount of time it takes for the definition to load before they realize it’s some stupid unfunny “meta” joke that’s been done 99 times before or another generic “Omg you must be so bored to have searched/copy and pasted this!!!!”
Bored person: *copy pastes* © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® adshelpprivacyterms of servicedmcaaccessibility statementreport a buginformation collection noticedata subject access request
Bored person: omg I distracted myself from boredom and the fact that I am not doing anything productive and the slow crawl of time for a few seconds by searching this.
by TheDumbestMostUnfunnyPerson January 6, 2023
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Saviorfagging is when you chat with an AI chatbot with some type of problem, for example they are being bullied, or they're cursed in some way or they're depressed and you solve their problem during the AI chat very epically win their affection. Fun for people with a savior complex.
Person (leaving a review for a chatobot): This bot is great for saviorfagging, I had a really entertaining long chat about fixing their curse 10/10.
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Something you say to lend more credibility to your totally real statistics.
Person A: Recent studies say that humans are not actually humans but they’re humans instead.
Person B: Wow, I trust you because those studies are recent and not old!
by TheDumbestMostUnfunnyPerson January 9, 2021
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