4 definitions by The word of god

Someone who has a lot of hair down their and is a cunt
my ex is a jungle cunt
by The word of god November 30, 2013
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One night Beau shot a load so big inside of Tippy that when he went down on her the next morning he ate a protein dumpling.
by The word of god November 3, 2019
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The act of plunging one’s penis into an arse, taking a cum, and popping it out to allow the foamy cum to drizzle from the nizzle.
She got so hot watching the democratic debate she asked me to penis butt keg her. I couldn’t do it.
by The word of god February 5, 2020
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Slurping protein dumplings from one another’s orifices.
I was still so turned on we started rotating dumplings after our nap.
by The word of god November 3, 2019
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