4 definitions by The word man who speaks words

A fungus that steals your cereal.
Man 1: Yo where's the cereal?
Man 2: I think some balople got to it.
Man 1: Bloody balople.
Man 2: Bloody balople.
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A tower erected from hot lady.
Man 1: Ichtenmayk
Man 2: Hot Lady
Man 1:Hot LAdy
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A man with an absolute disregard for public standards regarding the appropriate behaviour observed inside a movie theatre.
Man 1: Ayo you see the movie last night?
Man 2: Yeah, but there was this one guy who kept yelling and answering phone calls.
Man 1: Bloody urgon
Man 2: Yeah, bloody urgon
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“Did you know a factoid is a fact on steroids
“No it isn’t”
“Yeah but if we say it enough then people with think its true”
“Then it’ll be an actual factoid”
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