5 definitions by The queen of England 💀

Lame Barbie. Lives in an alternate dimension and says 'so gorge' sadly.
Larbie got herself stuck in the drawer again!
by The queen of England 💀 September 8, 2023
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1. The onomatopoeia used in the Bluey episode, 'Flat pack' when Bluey is pretending to be an arctic fox.
2. A really, really, REALLY great name for a chicken. Literally everybody's chicken should be named Ibou.
3. Random Basketball player. Who really cares?
"Let's be arctic foxes! Ibou! Ibou!"

Ibou didnt lay an egg today.

Ibou Badji sprained his ankle.
by The queen of England 💀 September 8, 2023
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Something you say after you finish counting for hide and seek. You don't even think of it as a word, do you? You just say it. Ready or not. Ready or not. Ready or not.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
by The queen of England 💀 September 8, 2023
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A very small piece of rock that multiplies when you look at it. If you go anywhere near it, it will overcome you and you will never be able to get it out of anywhere.
"We were only there for a few minutes, how did it get into our ears?"

"Honey, don't look now, but there's something right behind you..."

"Oh no, is that?"




Legend says, our beach is haunted. No one who's gone in has ever gone out. My grandma and grandpop went one day, and they were never seen again. Our whole family has stayed away from it, but since we own it there has to be routine inspections. I just hope the legend isn't real, because there's an inspection coming up.

Tonight was a good night for chai. It's my favorite drink, and it helps me calm down before bed. Hopefully I won't have a nightmare tonight, because it's my first day of school tomorrow. They always give us so much work on the first day, so I need to get a good night's rest. I finish my chai and flop into bed, exhausted from school preparations. I grab my phone to see if any of my friends have responded about Friday night. I turn it on, only to be left disappointed. No one has responded.
If you guys like this I'll do a part two for sand!
by The queen of England 💀 September 8, 2023
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