8 definitions by The Saint from The 4

Man Up" "Stop Being a Pussy", "Quit Channeling that feminine spirit which is Death" "And Put on you Spiritual Soldier Gear On with your Arsenals and get ready for a heated battle
Say Lil' Whodie, stop being a bitch and Soulja Up play boy!!

Man, look you can't allow that girl to hit you just because tis bitch made ass society teaches you that a man can't hit a woman, even in self defense! Soulja Up! beat that bitch to a pulp, but ONLY IN SELF DEFENSE! Then you are justified!!
by The Saint from The 4 February 21, 2011
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Similar to Soulja Up! A word established by the same individual, "The Heretic Assassin" meaning

1. to be prepared for any obstacle that will come make landfall before you.

2. Don't Be a Coward, Stand Up and Catch Yo' Cut and start slaying your opponents who trys to omit you from this earth or from whatever activities y'all are engaged in, rather it's a life or death situation.

3. Have Orthodox Equipment to be efficient and productive when you are in the battlefield
Say bruh, you better Battle Up! Cause if you don't them niggas is gonna turn you into ground meat play boy, you better have the right tools to slaughter this nigga in this upcoming debate against them fake afro centric niggas and them fake hebrews who's teaching reincarnation and how this is no such thing as The Messiah dying for our sins!
by The Saint from The 4 February 21, 2011
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Originator of the Word: The Heretic Assassin

Meaning: A Dirty South New Orleans hood version of "Make Like a Banana and Split!" or "Make like a Tree and Leave" when somebody annoys you and you want them to part from your presence or when you are about to leave from someone's presence
Man when I realized that this dumb ass dude wasn't gonna conceive what I tried to teach him, i simple told the nigga to Make Like Michael Jordan and Fade Away! And he departed from me.
by The Saint from The 4 February 21, 2011
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A Contemporary Term making reference to The Minimal of The Hurricane Katrina Evacuees migrating to Dallas, Texas and the cultural influence The Native of New Orleans have brought to Dallas, Texas
Since New Orleans have moved to Dallas due to Katrina, we call it "New Dallas".
by The Saint from The 4 February 21, 2011
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Similar to Soulja Up! and Battle Up! A word established by the same individual, "The Heretic Assassin" meaning

1. To Soulja Up! Battle Up! GEAR UP!!

2. To be Gee'd Up, Preserve and Conserve You Cut Throat, Rigid, Rough around the Edges, Masculine Dominant Behavior.
Say La' Round, Gee Up! Ya dig? Preserve Your Sexist Behavior man. Let these women know, who's the Dominant Apparatus in the Castle. IT'S YOU!!
by The Saint from The 4 February 21, 2011
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A very controversial philosophy originated by New Orleans/Israel's own, "The Heretic Assassin" where he belives that Male Sexism can be justified, when he expresses according to the scriptures, the way of life, you can surface your male dominating behavior towards women without any harm inclusive.

He uses James Evans, a character portrayed by John Amos from the All Time Classic sitcoms, "Good Times", where he expresses that the male component of the earth is superior to the female component without compressing nor oppressing his female counterparts, Florida Evans and Thelma Evans. He never laid a finger on his wife and didn't have to because they came to a common and constructive agreement that James Evans, a man is the more dominant forces in the household.

The Heretic Assassin believes that society has perverted the Orthodox View of Sexism and not the Edomite Western Caucasian interpretation of Sexism by limiting it to the negative conditioning of sexism
There are two different connotations of Sexism, little girl!! There is what i like to call Improper Male Sexism or Chauvinism IMS/C and there is what i like to call Proper Male Chauvinism PMC or Constructive Male Sexism CMS
by The Saint from The 4 February 21, 2011
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A Contemporary Term making reference to The Minimal of The Hurricane Katrina Evacuees migrating to Dallas, Texas and perpetuated the cultural influence that The Native of New Orleans have brought to Dallas, Texas such as our coveted swagga, out accent, our slangs, our unique apparel, our hair styles similar to the Haitians, our rap music productions, our all time best meal, minus the scavenger food such as shrimps, oysters, pork, etc.
From now on, because we have so much impact towards the natives of Dallas, Texas, it would be only fair to consider this town "New Dallas, Texas" or better yet.....

"Dal-Orleans, Texas".
by The Saint from The 4 February 21, 2011
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