17 definitions by The Raging Bull

n. The best thing to come out of Asheville, N.C. since legalized incest.
"Deborah Haft just slappped that bitch for claiming that Ohio is the birth place of flight. Everybody knows it's Kitty Hawk, N.C.!"
by The Raging Bull April 18, 2005
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An awkward situation in which two pedestrians, who are on a collision course with each other, are repeatedly unsuccessful in averting one another. As one person moves to their right, the other person moves to their left and vice versa. Each time they attempt a new maneuver, the frustrated pedestrians find themselves confronted by their counterpart. To the casual observer, these two people may appear to be dancing, but in reality, they both just want to get on with their lives.

These encounters are far less common in Europe – especially in Germany, where the government enforces pedestrian decorum through a stringent "bear right" policy. Pedestrian face-offs have been known to last upwards of ten seconds.
Randy: I just had a pedestrian face-off that lasted a good 15 seconds. In the end, we came to the mutual agreement that both of us should step to our right.
Dina: Wow, 15 seconds?! That's gotta be a world record or something.
by The Raging Bull July 29, 2005
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"My sidewalk apothecary provides me with the best Magical Mr. Mistoffelees this metropolis has got to offer."
by The Raging Bull May 24, 2005
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