2 definitions by The Mighty Sirrs

Verb: (Ray-po-wn)

A hybrid of the two words: rape, and pown.

Typically used by gammers who constantly play online.

to hurt, humiliate, destroy, or concour over someone or something.
Ex1: Frick! He sniped me from across the entire map! I got raypowned...

Ex2: OUCH! I just raypowned my ancle aginst the coffee table.
by The Mighty Sirrs May 9, 2011
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Street Term: someone who is deceptive, shady, or very tricky.

Formal Definition: a very slick penis.
Street: 'Hey man, you see bob over there?'

" yeah, he's always lingering around and avoiding

people like he's up to something..."

'What a slimy penis...'

Formal: "Dan! Your penis is so hard to grasp! It such a

slimy penis"
by The Mighty Sirrs May 9, 2011
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