22 definitions by The CLE Steamer

A Blue Collar term for fucking off on the job. More specifically, taking much longer to complete a work assignment than the company or boss expects should be spent on it. Dicking the Dog Poking the Pooch can effectively be used as a tool to create overtime in which the employee is paid one and one half times the hourly rate.
Man 1: Old Joe sure is Dicking the Dog today. Man 2: Yea he sure the fuck is, must have a car payment or something due cause he's gonna run that job into overtime.
by The CLE Steamer May 11, 2009
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The type of shit you take after hitting the stall about one second before shitting your pants. You assault the bowl with a steamer that is of normal consistancy however the back pressure is so great that the turd is projected out at such great speed that no residue has time to stick to your cheeks and the use of toilet paper is not necessary. Very similar to the Carpenters Cut.
Man I feel hydraulic shit coming on, you better pull into that gas station before I shit my pants, I am already breaking out in a cold sweat!
by The CLE Steamer May 9, 2009
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A Lake Erie Log Jam can be found in the bowl of 50% of public toilets. It is created by the first person that uses a non-functioning public toilet by totally fucking up the bowl with a huge Steamer and then tops it off with half the roll of toilet paper, which starts the Log Jam. Next person who has a Hydraulic Shit coming on and happy to find a shitter working or not adds to the log pile then uses what’s left of the roll. The next and subsequent people have no choice but to shit on top of the log pile or shit their pants, which adding to the pile makes more sense than laying down a Skid Mark in their pants which of course leads to a Rusty Bumper. After several people have assaulted the bowl, with none of it going down a LAKE ERIE LOG JAM is created, so named as if you live in the Midwest, and are north of the continental divide, that shit’s gonna wind up in Lake Erie one way or another.
I had to Carpenter Cut a Lake Erie Log Jam at McDonald’s or shit my pants!
by The CLE Steamer May 11, 2009
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A Female UPS driver. Can be a Package Car or a Feeder driver. Must wear the UPS issue brown uniform.
I'd sure like to pop Buster Brownie in the ass one time when she bends over to pick my package up out of her truck.
by The CLE Steamer May 11, 2009
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Items the garbage truck won’t take, like tires, motor oil, Hazardous Materials are loaded into the car trunk, back of the mini van or pick-up truck, then driven to the parking lot of usually a big box retailer (Caution must be used as video surveillance is being used to watch for this kind of activity) and then covertly deposited usually by a light pole. Lean the tires against the pole, set the milk jugs of oil around the perimeter of the pole along with the cans of paint.
Neighbor 1: The fuckin’ garbage men won’t take those old tires off my deuce and a quarter.

Neighbor 2: Yea they don’t take none of that shit, you gotta roll by Home Depot and do the Parking Lot Recycler!
by The CLE Steamer May 12, 2009
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In an office enviroment where there is little background noise to cover the sound of a fart, the Time Bomb is used to cover the sound of ripping that office fart. At precisely the moment you rip ass, you cough or produce a fake sneeze that far overshadows the sound of the Cleveland Air Freshener you just blasted out of your ass. It is also possible to get a "God Bless You" out of a co-worker when you use the sneeze option to which a "Thank You" reply is always justified.
Dude 1: Shit man, that hot chick in the cube next to me will never go out with me if she hears me farting all day. Dude 2: Fuck man, just do a Time Bomb if you don't have time to get out of your cube.
by The CLE Steamer May 9, 2009
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A plastic container that a truck driver pisses into inside the cab of his truck during daylight hours to be later pitched out usually on the side of the road. This practice has come about by the increasingly strict laws about indecent exposure. Years ago if a truck driver got caught pissing on the side of the road by the Po po, he was given a ticket, end of story. But now if convicted of indecent exposure, you must register as a sexual predator where you live. Much safer to piss in a wide mouth bottle and a whole lot legally less complicated.
Billy Bob Big Rigger builds a trucker bomb every day on his run though Ohio. After dark when the bottle is full, out the window it goes to be later detonated by the poor dick that has to mow the shoulder.
by The CLE Steamer May 11, 2009
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