20 definitions by The Wraith

The coolest Barbarian in the Diablo Universe. He can really kill stuff fast with his two huge swords and high level Bash technique.
Crunk SMASH!!!!!!!!!--A line often uttered by Mick as he kills stuff.
by The Wraith October 5, 2003
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Where The Wraith takes all the good juggalos go after they die. The oppisite of hell's pit.
I wanna go to Shangri-la after I die :D
by The Wraith March 5, 2005
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In Marvel vs. Capcom 2 as well as Marvel Super Heroes, it is one of Blackheart's Super Combos. He drops lots of cheaply strong meteors on the enemy.
"ARMAGEDDON!"--Blackheart, right before he says "BLACK HEART KNIGHT!" when he wins.
by The Wraith October 5, 2003
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The really hot heroine of the Parasite Eve games.
by The Wraith October 6, 2003
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The act of going out and buying stuff.
I went shopping for food yesterday.
by The Wraith October 14, 2003
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