3 definitions by Thatoneguy2

The literal translation of Douchebag, unfortunately it doesn't have as much of an impact as an insult as Douchebag even though it has the same basic meaning.
Look at those Shower bags..they think they're cool with their fifty 9 fifty hats and their pants around their ankles

You mean douche bags?

by Thatoneguy2 February 17, 2010
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A wad or roll of money that is made up of small denominations, typically one dollar bills. Named because mexicans commonly like to carry them instead of changing their singles into larger bills.
Guy 1: I need to get this mexican wad changed

Guy 2: Nah man, just hit the strip club, dem bitches love singles!
by Thatoneguy2 November 5, 2013
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Yet Another Box Opening/ Yet Another Packet Opening
Hey guys, PipeFriendCHS here with another YAPO
by Thatoneguy2 January 24, 2012
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