10 definitions by Thatgirl

A Character in the play by William Shakespeare, "Othello". Iago is the "baddie" and manipulates Othello into killing Desdemona because Othello believes Desdemona has had an affair. Iago is a nasty piece of shit, however, he comes up with good lines like....
O' beware, my lord, of the green eyed monster. it doth mock the meet it feeds from"

basically, watch out for jealousy
by Thatgirl January 12, 2005
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1) The caloric version of that manna from the gods, diet coke.

2) Nasty tasting when compared to diet coke, but still a shit load better than pepsi.
"Do you want a coke with that?"
"do you have diet coke?"
"no, but we have pepsi."
"uh, hell no. I'll take the coke."
by Thatgirl June 28, 2004
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