4 definitions by Thatdarnmeowth

A pinnacle of virtue and masculinity, equipped with godlike physical strength, an unbeatable penchant for one-liners and more skills and talents than an orange, striped Swiss army knife on steroids. His many deeds are recounted in the works of the scribe Shakespeare Hemingway.
"Why have you not invited Garfield? Do you fear to face real man?" asked Queen Elizabeth II to Prince William with challenge.
by Thatdarnmeowth October 19, 2023
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An uber-British blue semi-organic mutant built from a combination of mechanical and biological components, presumably by a mad scientist on an LSD trip (and who was seriously ahead of his time culturally in 1913). As with the other engines in his self-titled show, he practices Tophamism (praise be the hat!) and dislikes confusion and delay despite causing it all the damned time.
"As everyone knows, the first significant advancement in the international biomechanical field occurred with the building of Thomas the Tank Engine in 1913. No one knows how, so that's the whole lecture, folks!"
by Thatdarnmeowth October 19, 2023
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A "cheeky", sadistic axe-murdering animated raccoon notable for his kangaroo-esque mode of locomotion, irritatingly catchy theme song and inexplicable dislike of stupid squirrels. Possibly the spirit animal of YouTube comedy reviewer Phelous (for better and for worse).
"All the example sentences in this online dictionary are soooo stuuupiiid" said Wabuu as he quietly felled another 300-foot tree onto Wuschel the squirrel.
by Thatdarnmeowth October 21, 2023
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A 36-year-old man who has inexplicably remained biologically identical to a ten-year-old boy for a quarter of a century, Ash Ketchum is notable for embarking on a seemingly eternal quest to become a Pokemon Master alongside his on-off girlfriend (as any fan will tell you), a yellow electrically-charged (and extremely marketable) mutant and an excessively horny older teenager who never opens his eyes for fear of revealing the depths of hell lurking inside them. As even Ash has admitted that the concept of a Pokemon Master is basically vague nonsense, he's essentially doomed himself to wandering rough around the forest for the rest of his life.
"In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except for death, taxes, the continuation of the Simpsons and Ash Ketchum never becoming a Pokemon Master" - Benjamin Franklin
"What dost thou mean, thou idiot, cheating death is far more certain that Ash Ketchum achieving anything like that!" - typically-forgotten response by John Adams
by Thatdarnmeowth October 19, 2023
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