15 definitions by ThE LaTe JC

1) One who overcomes the odds and defeats many opponents like King Hippo, Bald Bull and Soda Popinski.
2) One who wears a pink sweat suit and runs by the statue of liberty to train for a match with Don Flamenco.
3) A bad ass dude who wears black Tank Tops and gets his name in the paper after defeating Super Macho Man.
Little Mac: "I can't win doc"
Doc: "Join the Nintendo Fun Club."
Piston Honda: "I still remember our First fight, now I'm going to pay you back, Bonzai!!"
by ThE LaTe JC April 13, 2005
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A white trash term for Wal-mart, usually used when going into gas stations and asking the clerk how to get to the nearest wal-mart.
After getting clear directions, they still have no idea how to get there.
They also look for Shells, Krogers, Targets, K-marts, Ventures, Best Buys, ect.
Scuse me there man, can you tells me wheres the closests wal-marts is from heres, I'm from Chillicothe and they dun aint's gots one there yet. Cuz I needs to get me sum beef jerky and a tweety bird shirt.
by ThE LaTe JC March 23, 2005
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A parking spot in the eastern most area of Willow K where a bunch of geeks met up in and around the year of '97 to decide what they were going to do. They usually just drove around, went to a restaraunt or hung out at Swan Lake.
Jason: "Hey Dude, what do you wanna do tonight?"

JC: "let's just meet up at Da Spot or something."
by ThE LaTe JC April 13, 2005
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A funny ass name that a middle aged black man called a chubby 20 something white kid at a Midwestern gas station in April 2005.
Lance: "Whats happenen Playa Playa?" "What's up wit Arnold Wigglesworth complainin' 'bout my lottery tickets?"
"Lemme get 319 50 cent straight twice."

JC: "Hahahahah.. Did you just call him Arnold Wigglesworth?" Instant Classic
by ThE LaTe JC April 13, 2005
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The year anyone with a flux capacitor would want to visit.
A good year fo B -Vice to smoke that sticky icky green Shiiiiiiit and say Fuckin Fuck alot. A bad year for innocent collars of misfits t shirts. A great year for red jeeps and rebel flags. A good year for cough syrup, Carl's Junior, Swan Lake, Denny's, Oogies, parties in Jake Bo's basement, and Jubilee.
The year of the original penis bottle rocket, the full effect of the blue blazer and many other timeless pieces of forgotten awesomeness.
JC: "Dude what do you think is better? Now or '97"

Dan: "'97 dude, cuz I like to smash pumpkins behind willow K."
by ThE LaTe JC March 24, 2005
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Inventor of the Tombo Combo. Tombo is a very nice fellow as long as you take your shoes off before entering his house.
It is not recommended to burn his linolium unless you enjoy being banned from elegant palaces.
Tombo is a true success story rising from rags to riches by starting his own business.
This man is capable of doing a full 360 degree flip from his diving board into his own extravagant pool.
A man with such skill and brutal good looks, its not hard to understand why this man is so likeable.
"Dude, I can't believe Tombo banned you from his house."
by ThE LaTe JC March 24, 2005
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A freelance bio-exorcist who works with ghosts to scare the living out of their houses.
He can be seen lurking around small scale models of towns.
Hey there goes Elvis! Looks Like I'm next.
I used to watch Beetlejuice in Chillicothe and then play excitebike
by ThE LaTe JC March 23, 2005
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