1 definition by Th31337P0st3r

A state in the south-central US that has the following qualities.
1. Watered down beer that is at 3.0%
2. Towns such as Tulsa that are Ghetto
3. A crappy university called OU that gets pwn3d by Texas
4. An average income that would make Phillipino sweat shops cry
5. State Troopers that harass people from other states.
6. TPT (see trailer park trash)
7. A resteraunt called the frying pan that will clog your arteries in one sitting.
8. More mullets than anywhere else in the world.
I was in Tulsa, Oklahoma the other day, and a mullet sporting guy attempted to grope my testicles in the parking lot of the Frying pan. That guy must have been drinking two cases of beer!
by Th31337P0st3r May 18, 2007
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