2 definitions by Tetherel

The act of fucking people on the side while in a horrible long distance relationship. Since people cannot cope with long distance relationships they need the additional sexual satisfaction of having sex with other people. The long distance partner cannot possibly satisfy the other through the use of phone or web sex, so additional partners are required to quench this desire.
D: So how's your boyfriend in Vancouver doing?
J: So fucking bad, thank god I'm sidefucking.
D: Oh I know what you mean, sidefucking is essential. Like when I was dating that chick in Utah.
by Tetherel November 7, 2010
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A series of random phrases someone says in celebration. No one really knows what these words mean, they just sound awesome when yelled extremely loudly in a large group, especially when other members are yelling other pointless sayings like "cracko jacko", "pow pow", "zip zap" etc..
D: Man I just slapped Soulja Boy in the face! It felt so good!
J: Rigga Tigga Tum Tum!!!
D: Cracko Jacko!!!
by Tetherel November 10, 2010
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