13 definitions by Tenarr

Another way of saying "no kidding", "no shit sherlock".

Pointing out that something said by another was painfully obvious

Originated in the mid 1970's and used primarily by females known as "valley girls"

often followed by the word "now"
jodi: hey, did ya know that elephants are big and grey?
jill: doy!

Jodi: ice cream is cold
Jill: doy now!
by Tenarr June 26, 2005
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1. The biggest word I ever heard.

2. A word that saved my achin' nose.

3. Even though the sound of it is something quite atroicious, if you say it loud enough you'll even sound precocious

4. Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle Aye.
I was afraid to speak when I was just a lad, my father gave my nose a tweek and told me I was bad. But then one day I learned a word that saved my achin' nose - Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious!!!!!
by Tenarr June 27, 2005
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A young person, usualy a 8-14 year old male that knows 100+ words that mean penis and lives his life just to have them all published in an on line dictionary of slang.
Oh my! You knew that another word for penis is pennyprick! How immature of you to try publish it.
by Tenarr June 22, 2005
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One who writes disgusting decriptions of sexual acts with women and submits them for publication in an on-line slang dictionary.
If you find eating a combination of cum and poop satisfying or funny, it is because you are a virgin and have never actualy done it.
by Tenarr June 21, 2005
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1. Someone who is consistantly nominated for awards and looses everytime.

3. A person who is beaten badly in a contest.

2. Compare: Suzane Lucci, Young and the Restless Star who was nominated for an Emmy 20+ times and has never one.
Howard Dean was totaly Lucci'd in that election.
by Tenarr June 27, 2005
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When a dog gets a burst of energy while playing and runs back and forth uncontollably in the hallway or around the house.
I threw the ball and now max is totaly maniacing!
by Tenarr June 27, 2005
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Where you tell a cab driver to go when you are too drunk to say "M" street.

Often said in an exagerated and drawn out way followed by a series of hiccurps.
I live on Mooooon Street.....(hic)
by Tenarr June 18, 2005
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