13 definitions by Tate Donovan

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
The United States will do whatever it takes to win the war against terrorism.
by Tate Donovan November 28, 2004
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group of elite individuals who dunk their asses into the water of your toilet bowl.
Little did she know, I was a former member of the Justice League of America's Ass-Dunkers JLAA-D!
by Tate Donovan November 11, 2004
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1. A party hosted by Klownmunists
2. A party in a stopped train
3. A bunch of goddamn klowns about to take over the world and institute a democtatorship
"The good people sleep well at night as long as they're not at sleepaway camp, in which case they will be "sent home". Stopped trains will be reserved for living clownundrums, but if there's a shortage of terror, basement dorm rooms will have to do."

~Klownmunist party manifesto
by Tate Donovan July 12, 2004
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One who likes to watch Star Trek episodes and movies.
'Trekies' are usually initially hooked on to the Star Trek phenomenon by the intellectually stimulating issues covered in the different episodes.
by Tate Donovan May 24, 2004
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