64 definitions by Tara

the art of sitting on the toilet backwards after a big night out so your grog bog slides down the side so nobody can hear it
'i had to do a crocodile slide this morning'
by Tara February 22, 2004
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A moment in time. A short period of time.
In an MMMBop they're, in an MMMBop they're not there
by Tara October 2, 2003
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The only neighborhood in America were you can hear lasgo blocks away blasting from the cars of fort hamilton high school kids along 3rd ave. A place where you can get drunk at mooneys and eat greasy burgers at the americana. Bayridge is the place to be on a friday night, pass by omonia you'll know wat im talkin about. And the best block in bayridge is 68th street, only the strong survive on that block.
by Tara February 2, 2005
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A non-friend that is a minister who never makes time for his friends. Vermons are also known for making 12:30am phone calls after having SEVERAL Jack & Coke's and smoking his favorite cigars. Also known for planning PATHETIC April Fools jokes with a slanny.
The Reverend Jeremy is a big ole Vermon.
by Tara March 29, 2005
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This is the hottest fucking man alive.He's a wrestler for smackdown and he has a dumb ass nephew named Chavo who is full of himself.
by Tara February 25, 2005
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Element of punctuation used by morons in place of the period, the full stop, that little dot near the L key. Note: one exclamation point is usually one too many. If you do plan to use more, please take care that you retain muscle control over the finger holding down the right-hand shift key. See also gay speak.
by Tara August 11, 2003
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what u call someone when they pee themselves
"did u just drizzle in the parking lot at wawa?"
by Tara March 9, 2005
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