19 definitions by THE OLD SCHOOLER

A beautiful religion that is misunderstood in the west. Often times shrouded within a haze of mystic stereotypes and unrealistic depictions in Hollywood and movies. A lot of douchebag American scholars have tried to water down the whole religion of Buddhism to a mere philosophy free of all if any abstract supernatural concepts and elements. This of course would be a gross misunderstanding of the 2500 year old tradition as well. Hippies all across Europe and the U.S. and Canada have really given Buddhism a bad rep. Especially since so many of these ass holes seem to hold to the honest conviction that the teachings of The Buddha are just what ever the hell they make up. Not like that is blatant cultural appropriation at all. By that I mean the cultural appropriation of Buddhism itself because as a belief system, it is owned by no race. It was founded by an Indian/ Nepalese prince and was spread by early monks from there to Japan to Ancient Greece. Unlike the false notion that Buddhism is some how owned by Asians. Even though they are the folks who are often the most disrespected when T.V shows like King of The Hill or Family Guy suddenly decide to start making fun of Buddhism. Even though they don't know their Naraka from Nirvana.
Person 1: You know man, I've been thinking about converting to Buddhism lately.
Person 2: You mean that hippy bullshit that David Carradine used to smoke pot and beat up bad guys with back in the 70's before he hanged himself?
Person 1: Sigh...
by THE OLD SCHOOLER September 19, 2017
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A doggo that is waving his butt in the air with his head on the ground. (Playful position)
Look at that downward doggo!
by THE OLD SCHOOLER March 14, 2018
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Not as good a drink as "coconut what did you just say to me?" But passible. It gets the job done. I'ma beat your ass with it.
What you want me to put it in a sentence? Fuck you! I'm a just keep drinking mango bitch slap
by THE OLD SCHOOLER July 19, 2023
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When someone creepily breaths down the back of your neck.
Person1: Hey bro what's up? Person2: Nothing much- Oh shit! ! Person1: What? Carl: hahah! Person2: Carl just nape raped me! Person 1: Carl, WTF? Carl: HAHA!
by THE OLD SCHOOLER October 22, 2017
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The birth place of all teenage stoners and neck beards who call Shaggy their father.
Remember Scooby Doo? That shit was my childhood man!!!!
by THE OLD SCHOOLER September 19, 2017
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The picture below pretty much explains it.
That's one jeeper of a Creeper.
by THE OLD SCHOOLER November 8, 2018
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