2 definitions by T00pr0

The next Playstation after Playstation 4. Don't know when it's coming out yet though. Don't know if Xbox one will survive though, only time will tell. Playstation is owned by Sony. If there is a next Xbox I THINK it will be called Xbox two or something (just a guess)
"Dude you getting the PS5?"
"Of course bro"
by T00pr0 December 23, 2013
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"an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called upon to give their opinions to the public." - pundit
"an idiot who is frequently giving their opinions to the public even when not asked" - pundiot
In recent news, Traps have been declared gay, we will now scroll through the YouTube comments to see what the pundiots have to say.
by T00pr0 June 27, 2017
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