2 definitions by Sydney Carton

When a girl puts a funnel in her mouth and a group of men, all ejaculate into the funnel, getting most of the jizz into funnel but some on her face.
Blake - "Dude, me and my friends, did The Funnel Cake onto this one chick, Chaya, last night."

Trevor - "How was it man?"

Blake - "Good, but she choked a little bit."

David - "I think they killed her."
by Sydney Carton May 24, 2008
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a hobby that is a cross between scrapbooking, journal writing, collaging, and in many instances, sketching. not to be confused with online journaling, this sort of journaling refers to the type that results in a tangible notebook of images and words that creatively depict ideas and events in an individual's life.
Catherine: Why the hell is Lily writing and pasting images into that notebook on a Saturday night? Doesn't she have anything better to do than homework?
Susie: She's journaling.
Catherine: oh.
by Sydney Carton January 26, 2007
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