4 definitions by Sussy English

When you ask your friend to do the song he sings all the day
Friend: Hey do that one song you sing all the day!
Other Friend: Kumalala Kumalala Kumela Savesta (N word) talking crazy we gon' hit him in his chesta, Ooooo na na na na savesta
by Sussy English August 17, 2022
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When you see the new fortnite battle pass, you shit ur ass so now you are booting up your pc because you need to get that fortnite battle pass. You like fortnite also it's night time because it's 5 o clock and do people remember adventure time.
Friend: Yoo look at the new fortnite battle pass
me: I just shit out my ass bro
by Sussy English July 6, 2022
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Lyrics of a song called Symbolism where a bitch ass lady says:'Turi ip ip ip ip ip ip turi ip turi ip ip eugh euegh isha turi
Teacher: what symbolism is all about?
Student 69: Turi ip ip ip
by Sussy English June 24, 2022
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A 69 year old man with female voice changers becoming PNGtuber(Aka ParentlessTuber) who loves men and an athiest who disrespects Religion such as a Islam and creates a fake religion which doesn't exist and no one will join.
Meowbahh: mEoW wAntS tO bAn yOu
by Sussy English June 25, 2022
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